My sweet sweet boy. I can't even begin to tell you how very much fun I have with this little one. I have got to get how very funny he is on video. I hear about how funny he is all the time and I must agree he is. He has an infectious smile and can get me out of a crappy mood in seconds. Jason and I wonder if he will be a comedian one day.
Here is my little boy with a new hairdo from his sister. She decided to give him a spit hairdo. Gross I know, but I had to take a picture. His hair is probably the one trait he has that I get the most compliments on. I mean it is always sticking up and totally crazy no matter how what I do to his hair!!Captain Drools loves to eat. He is the pickiest eater though. He has a huge sweet tooth! I love to give him very messy food and watch him eat it. He will some how figure out how to get it from head to toe.
Not only does he like food he also eats paint. Normally Miss Boss paints when he is taking a nap. I finally decided to let him paint. I knew he was going to eat it, but I decided to see what he did. In the picture below he is telling me "CHEEEEEESE!"
He is real serious about painting. He loves art like his sister. He will sit and color. He is finally to the point where he doesn't eat the crayons...heehee.If Captain Drools wonders off in the house I can normally find him here. He LOVES the bathtub, but he loves it the most when there is no water in it. I have no idea what is so great about it. I can sit him in a tub with no water and a few toys and he will stay in there for at least 30 minutes just playing.
This boy LOVES his dog Rocky. When we brought him home CD went crazy. He loves to get into his cage.
And eat his food. I have even caught him a couple of times eating his milkbones (see below).... They are fast friends and they are always getting in trouble together.
We recently spent the day hiking up a local mountain. Miss Boss loved and CD ran all the way up and down it. He did make several stops to sit down and throw rocks. Here they are posing with Jason and Pappy.Captain Drools loves outside. He would stay outside all day long if we could. He loves to get dirt and try to ride Miss Boss's bike. Her helmet is his favorite thing to wear.
Unfortunately, CD gets into LOTS of trouble outside. On this day I had to spank him for running into the road. We live on a quiet little street, but the cars that come down it are always going very fast. This is the face he makes every single time I get onto him. Poor baby.
Captain Drools loves his sister. They are finally getting to the age where they love to play together. They play and play and play (fighting some too). They are snuggling up watching tv here.
Captain Drools loves his cousin. They play so well together and I love to watch them interact. Here they are dancing in the diapers together.
Captain Drools didn't really know what to think about Halloween this year. I wasn't able to get very many pictures of him in his costume because he is so hard to caught he is always on the go. He sure is the cutest little pumpkin I have ever seen though!!!!
Captain Drools is the sweetest most loving little boy and I am so very happy to call him my son!
So happy to be caught up. Hopefully I wont wait that long again before I update!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Part 2
Posted by aimee at 7:57 PM 2 comments
Thursday, November 5, 2009
A lot can happen in 3 month part 1.
Seriously I can not believe I haven't blogged in 3 months. I have so much to catch up on. I think In order not to make one post too terribly long I am going to put this into 2 parts. Part 1 Miss Boss and Part 2 Captain Drools. Also, still cant find the cord to my camera ( I think I am going to have to break down and buy one) so these pictures were all taken with my camera phone so they are not the best quality. Sorry!
This year Miss Boss started PreK3. I am so very very lucky that she attends the school I am teaching at. On her first day of school she was so very excited can you tell.
Here she is in the car on the way to school.One of the many advantages of working at her school I can sneak away and take pictures of her while she enjoys her day. Below she is about to listen to a story from the one and only Santa Claus. He came to the school to read them a book about what he does during the summer. Cute!
She is one little girl that loves school. That kind of thing is right up her alley and I have a feeling she is always going to like school like her mama. Except I went to school to socialize and I think she is actually going to like it to learn.
Since my girl is old enough for school she is also old enough for choir and mission friends at church. She loves going to both. One Wednesday night they allowed the parents to come and sit and listen to the kids sing and observe what they do in choir. I can't even begin to tell you how very much fun that was for me and Jason to sit and laugh at how very cute Miss Boss and her little friends were.
Here is a picture of Miss Boss and Captain Drools. They are finally getting to a place where they can actually play together. They do not always play very nicely, but I didn't always play nicely with my siblings either so I guess that just going to happen. There are moments though when they play beautifully together. This was one of those days. Miss Boss thought her and CD needed capes on. She has really started up with pretend and I love it. She is also making up songs about EVERYTHING....including songs about everything we do. I don't turn the radio on too much anymore. I don't want to miss out on the song that she might be making up.
I decided to take this sweet little girl to see her first movie (other than the free movies that come out during the summer). We went to see Toy Story 1 and 2 in 3D. We made it a fun mommy daughter day. We left school one Friday went out to lunch and then the movie, just the 2 of us. I think she really enjoyed having me all to herself and not having to share all the attention with her baby brother. Doesn't she look cute with her glasses on?
Well, below is a picture of the newest member of our family. His name is Rocky. I must tell you that I am soooo very shocked that we have a dog. I don't really think of myself as a dog person, but I know that my husband is. Miss Boss and I decided to go to Micheal's one day to get some craft stuff. Well, petsmart is next to Micheals. On this particular day an Petsmart was hosting a pet adoption day. I have no idea what got into me but I came home with a dog. I mean most people don't just buy a dog without really thinking about it. Well needless t say I had the WORST case of buyers remorse for about a couple of days until I realized how very much the rest of the family truely loves Rocky. There will be more blogs about this I am sure.Well, since Jason is a high school teacher we get the oppurtunity to go to some high school football games and since he is a coach (not football) we get into most sporting events for free. It is such a cheap form of entertainment. Miss Boss has been going to football games since she was little bitty. She LOVES going. We normally go and watch the first half and the half time show which is her favorite part. She then tells me she is sleepy and she falls asleep while I am holding her. That is my favorite part.
Instead of wearing costumes to school on Halloween the kids dress like scarecrows. Here is Miss Boss in her outfit. I had a lot of fun making it.
On Halloween night we went to a carnival at our church. Miss Boss has had her costume picked out for a while. She loves Snow White. Of course, in true Miss Boss fashion she had to have a black wig because "Snow White doesn't have yellow hair".Here is Miss Boss with one of her good friends.
After we left the church we went to eat some BBQ. Yummy. Here is one of her more famous silly faces.
Miss Boss and Captain Drools got to also spend some time with their sweet little cousin. They love it when he comes home for a visit and I love watching them play together!
I will update again with everything going on with my sweet little man. I really hope I don't go this long between blogs again. This takes up to much time!
Posted by aimee at 8:52 PM 2 comments
Monday, August 10, 2009
Lazy Days Of Summer
There has not really been a whole lot to blog about lately. (Not to mention I STILL can't find my camera cord). We have basically been just hanging out around the house and I have really enjoyed it. I go back to work next week so I am trying to fit in as much time with my sweet little ones as I can.
Here they are one morning watching TV on my bed.
This is another morning after eating breakfast I was trying to get a picture to email my hubby since he just went back to work.This picture is more like the way they are with each other. Hahaha! She is always holding on to him and it makes him so mad.
Today we got out Miss Boss's princess tent . And of course, Captain Drools had to have fun in it as well.
This picture is too funny not to post. I was at my parents house the other day and my sister and Miss Boss were playing in my parents bedroom when my sister was laughing really loud. I went into the room and there she was laying in my parents bassinet pretending to be a "bitty, bitty, baby".
Posted by aimee at 9:38 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Finally an update.....can you believe it?
Look at me! I am finally updating my blog. Well, I have been quite busy lately. I know that is really hard to believe since I am out on summer break from teaching, but these two wild kids I live with keep me on my toes. I also still can't find the cord to my digital camera. I guess I will just have to use the pictures from my phone. Surprisingly though it took pretty good pictures.
We went to the beach last week and had so much fun. It was the first time in over 7 years we have all gone to the beach together. There were 10 adult and 3 kids all in one house together. I keep wondering what we are going to do next time we do this because both of my sister in laws are expecting. Here are some pictures from our week......
Before we left all of us ladies went and got pedicures. Miss Boss was all about getting her toes painted. I have been painting her toes since our first beach trip when she was 6 weeks old. This was the first time she got them professionally done and she loved it!
We haven't taken Captain Drools to the beach since last summer when he was about 6 month old so this was the first time he really got to play while he was there. For weeks before we left we wondered what he would think. When Miss Boss was his age she hated the ocean (she said it was gross) and ate all the sand. Well, I must say my little man LOVED the beach he loved everything about it. The first thing he did when we walked out there was go straight to the water and just sit in it and giggle. This boy sure does love to giggle. Here are a few pictures of him having fun at the beach. It was very hard to get a picture of him because he was always on the move. He NEVER sits still.
If you have noticed in some of these pictures Captain Drools has a big mark on his eye. He has gone Bonkers lately (as my sister says). He is not just wild he is beyond wild.......Bonkers. Well, he decided to run away from us one day and we just weren't fast enough and he took a header down some outside stairs. Let me just tell you it scared the bejesus out of ALL of us. This boy is going to give me so many scares. I just KNOW it. He is wild, but so incredibly sweet. Here he is after a long day of playing.
We dressed up one night and attempted to get a family picture. Anyone with children know how very hard it is to get a somewhat descent picture. Well, of course I have better ones on my camera (like I said earlier). This is the only one that was taken with my phone.Here is me and my most favorite guy. I love this picture of us even though I have NO makeup one.
I can't believe I got a good picture of both of my babies. We were about to leave to go to the beach!
Of course, Miss Boss was talking about the beach weeks before we even left. She loves the beach. Her favorite toy at our house is the sandbox so naturally her favorite part about vacation was playing in the sand. Here are some pictures of my favorite girl at the beach!
Posted by aimee at 9:54 PM 6 comments