My sweet sweet boy. I can't even begin to tell you how very much fun I have with this little one. I have got to get how very funny he is on video. I hear about how funny he is all the time and I must agree he is. He has an infectious smile and can get me out of a crappy mood in seconds. Jason and I wonder if he will be a comedian one day.
Here is my little boy with a new hairdo from his sister. She decided to give him a spit hairdo. Gross I know, but I had to take a picture. His hair is probably the one trait he has that I get the most compliments on. I mean it is always sticking up and totally crazy no matter how what I do to his hair!!Captain Drools loves to eat. He is the pickiest eater though. He has a huge sweet tooth! I love to give him very messy food and watch him eat it. He will some how figure out how to get it from head to toe.
Not only does he like food he also eats paint. Normally Miss Boss paints when he is taking a nap. I finally decided to let him paint. I knew he was going to eat it, but I decided to see what he did. In the picture below he is telling me "CHEEEEEESE!"
He is real serious about painting. He loves art like his sister. He will sit and color. He is finally to the point where he doesn't eat the crayons...heehee.If Captain Drools wonders off in the house I can normally find him here. He LOVES the bathtub, but he loves it the most when there is no water in it. I have no idea what is so great about it. I can sit him in a tub with no water and a few toys and he will stay in there for at least 30 minutes just playing.
This boy LOVES his dog Rocky. When we brought him home CD went crazy. He loves to get into his cage.
And eat his food. I have even caught him a couple of times eating his milkbones (see below).... They are fast friends and they are always getting in trouble together.
We recently spent the day hiking up a local mountain. Miss Boss loved and CD ran all the way up and down it. He did make several stops to sit down and throw rocks. Here they are posing with Jason and Pappy.Captain Drools loves outside. He would stay outside all day long if we could. He loves to get dirt and try to ride Miss Boss's bike. Her helmet is his favorite thing to wear.
Unfortunately, CD gets into LOTS of trouble outside. On this day I had to spank him for running into the road. We live on a quiet little street, but the cars that come down it are always going very fast. This is the face he makes every single time I get onto him. Poor baby.
Captain Drools loves his sister. They are finally getting to the age where they love to play together. They play and play and play (fighting some too). They are snuggling up watching tv here.
Captain Drools loves his cousin. They play so well together and I love to watch them interact. Here they are dancing in the diapers together.
Captain Drools didn't really know what to think about Halloween this year. I wasn't able to get very many pictures of him in his costume because he is so hard to caught he is always on the go. He sure is the cutest little pumpkin I have ever seen though!!!!
Captain Drools is the sweetest most loving little boy and I am so very happy to call him my son!
So happy to be caught up. Hopefully I wont wait that long again before I update!
6 years ago
Oh he is so precious!! I can just see him doing all these things because Wyatt is doing all the same stuff. You guys have been blessed with such an awesome family. I'm thinking one more for sure.
I'm glad you finally updated your blog! Gosh! Just kidding! Love the pics. Miss Boss and Captain Drools are both adorable.
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