Monday, November 10, 2008

Miss Boss's Painting

I started painting several years ago. I love to paint. When Captain Drools was born I had to give up the room I painted in. This weekend I decided to clear out a space in the bedroom to paint. I quietly slipped away and locked the door hoping Miss Boss would not come looking for me. (I know...I know...did I really think she wouldn't notice I was gone.) Well, about a minute into painting I hear a knock on my door and then a bang with a "Mommy, Mommy, I can't get the door open". I walked to the door and Miss Boss said "You not want me in your room Mommy." I decided to let her in then and when she saw I was painting it was all over. So, I got a canvas out and let her paint a picture. She actually did a really good job.

Here she is holding her picture.

I loved it so much that I hung it on the living room wall. She was so proud to see it up there.


monica said...

I love it, love it, love it!

Stephanie said...

She's so talented! Really, that is probably better than I could do:)

Anonymous said...

For Christmas, she can paint me one for my house!

SBreemes said...

What a beautiful painting! So glad you two can share your love for painting!