Friday, January 2, 2009

Captain Drools turns 10 months old!

On New Years Day my sweet sweet little man turned 10 months old. It is going by way to fast and I really wish it would slow down. He is a wild man too. He crawls incredibly fast. His favorite past time is still eating. The amount of food he eats astonishes me. He eats about the same amount as I do during each meal. His sweet little smile melts my heart everytime I see him though. He is such a happy little boy.


CityStreams said...

He looks just like you with that smile! I can really see the resemblance. Adorable! :o)

Anonymous said...

Oh my word! He is way to precious! I cannot believe our babies are already 10 months old!

monica said...

Has to be the happiest baby ever! :)

Wendy said...

He is SUCH a doll Aimee!!!!!