Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Our trip to Savannah!

Sorry it has taken me sooooooooo very long to update my blog. My computer had to get repaired. It stopped working the day we got back from Savannah. So, this is late, but here it is.

My brother and his family moved to Savannah January 2 to start a church. We wanted to go down and support them at their kickoff service. It was so wonderful and I couldn't be more proud of him. I am so excited to see what God is going to do at their church. Please pray for them as they are starting a new journey in their lives.

We left Saturday morning for the long and boring ride to Savannah. We figured out on this trip that Captain Drools does not travel well. He did not like being in the car for such a long time. Miss Boss had movies to watch so she was great. When we got there we went to see Mark and Trisha's house and eat lunch. Their house is adorable.

Here is a picture of Captain Drools and The Spit Up King.

We left Mark and Trisha's house to go check into our hotel. We had a place on River Street and we decided to walk around before going back to Mark and Trisha's for dinner. While we were walking around we went into a little store where they make Taffy and Miss Boss tried some. She is eating some in this picture and for some reason this is the only face she would make for me.
There was also a boat on the water that looked like a pirate ship. Miss Boss loved walking all around it and exploring.
On Sunday, we went to the kickoff service for Canvas Church. It was such a nice service and the music was UNBELIEVEABLE. They are meeting in a movie theatre. Which I thought was pretty cool. I can honestly say I have never been to a church service at the movies.

After church we went out to eat at Uncle Bubba's Oyster House. It was so yummy. I had fried fish and I must say it was the best fried fish I have every had. While we were there we got a little suprised! I took Miss Boss to the bathroom while we were waiting for a table and when I came out I noticed all of these people taking pictures with their cameras and then I noticed there was Paula Deen in the middle of the resturant. She was walking around to all of the tables and taking pictures with everyone. We actually set down after she had already moved into the bar area so we missed getting to meet her and I didn't get to take a picture of here either. Sorry. After we ate we had very long drive home. I think we realized that a trip to Savannah needs to last a little longer than just one night. We are looking forward to our next trip though!


Wendy said...

Holy cow - Paula cool! I love that boat picture - Layla looks so grown!! I bet it was a great service - my new sitter actually knows of your brother..she goes to Church at The Ridge - small world!
Looks like you had a great time with family - priceless memories!

monica said...

I wanta go down too!! I love Savannah!!