Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas Day

Well, as it turns out Santa decided to come and visit our house. I guess Miss Boss and Captain Drools were on the nice list this year. This is a video of Miss Boss and Captain Drools looking at what Santa brought them. I was so shocked when Miss Boss turned the corner and asked me where Santa was. I guess I am not very good at explaining this whole Santa thing because she thought when I said Santa came to see you that Santa was actually in here living room to see her. She is so silly. She seemed like she didn't really know what to think about the whole thing though.

Santa sure did bring a lot of presents.

This is what Santa brought Miss Boss.

This is what Santa brought Captain Drools.

I guess I should have feed Captain Drools before we showed him his presents because he immediately found Miss Boss's baby bottle and tried VERY hard to get something out of it.

Here is Miss Boss on her brand new bike. It was the one thing that she wanted more than anything this year. She talked about a bike every day and how Santa was going to bring her one. She had a very hard time riding the bike and later in the day she asked me if "Santa could bring me another bike because this one is broken." I could not quit laughing. I quickly told her that she had to practice and she would be able to work the pedals very soon. As for the helmet she has worn it all over the house. She loves it. She even asked me if she could wear it out shopping.


monica said...

Uncle Andy & I have watched the video twice, cracking us up. We like to hear her ask "Where Santa Claus go?" So funny!!! Gosh I love them so much, I'm telling ya they warm my heart.

Wendy said...

HOW CUTE!!! I love that she WANTED Santa to come to her house, physically. When my nephew was this age he cried all night Christmas Eve because he was afraid of Santa coming into their house! HA!