Friday, May 1, 2009

Playing with Daddy!

I love Springtime. It is one of my favorite times of year. We try and spend as much time as possible outside before it gets way to hot and muggy (not to mention the mosquitoes). However, it is also one of our busiest times of year. School is winding down. This to me means more work in order to get everything ready for the end of school. Jason also coaches high school soccer and this week their season ended. When he is coaching there are A LOT of days that I feel like a single mom. He is leaves in the morning before we wake up and when he gets home I am the only one awake. I know that is hard for him to do sometimes. He likes to call me on his way home to find out if there is an off chance they are awake because he HATES going a whole day without seeing these little ones. We are so happy to have him home in the afternoons to play with us. We are looking forward to spending a whole summer together.