Monday, June 27, 2011
Take me out to the ballgame!!!
Posted by aimee at 9:28 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Another Year Down
It might be kind of strange that I said another year, but at our house we count the year from August-May. Since me and the hubby are both teachers. It has been a fantastic school year. Miss Boss has graduated and she is going on to kindergarten next year and I am in total shock. I have had her with me for the last 2 years. I have been able to walk to her classroom and peek in and now I am not going to be able to do that anymore. She was 6 months old when I started working there too. I LOVE the way our school does preschool graduation. They all make a shirt with everyone in their classes handprint on them. They say a little Bible verse and a prayer. Then they sing 4 of the sweetest little songs.Here she is on the stage getting ready to sing.
She had the SWEETEST teacher this year. Miss Boss is getting her diploma.
Two days after graduation we had her dance recital. She is just too beautiful. Her eyelashes are killer and make me soooooo jealous. She is going to LOVE those one day.
She is already a beautiful dancer and she takes it serious just like she takes everything else she tries to do. She is my little perfectionist.
Posted by aimee at 10:40 AM 1 comments
Monday, April 18, 2011
A typical Sunday at Mama and Daddy's
While I was growing up I looked forward to EVERY Sunday. We would go to my grandparents (Mimi and Papa) and eat Sunday lunch with the whole family. We would spend the day eating and playing with all of our cousins. It is one of my favorite memories from childhood. I am also so very happy that it is a tradition I have passed along to my kids. Almost every Sunday we go to my parents to eat after church and hang out with the family. Here are some pictures of a typical Sunday.....
Posted by aimee at 9:30 PM 3 comments
Sunday, April 10, 2011
After an extremely long hiatus......We are back to the blogging world.
It is almost--almost embarrassing that I have not blogged in almost a year. I can't say that there really is a reason for it. I guess that life is busy with 2 little ones and I just had to let something fall to the wayside and blogging was just that. Hopefully, and I know I have said this before, but I would like to start updating my blog more than once a year (we will see). I know it will be impossible for me to update the year so we are going to just start where we are.....Spring Break. Last week was Spring Break and I have been under the weather so Daddy was pretty much in charge all week. To spare you the details I had my gallbladder removed and a hernia repair done the Friday before we were out of school. I spent my first weekend of Spring Break pretty much drugged up. The kids survived and I am sure had fun with Mimi and Pappy and Daddy. We had to spend the beginning of our week very low key. Towards Thursday we were ready to get out of the house. We decided to take the kids bowling (their first time) and the go to Hopdonalds (what Captain Drools calls McDonalds). It was a fun outing. On Friday, we went to the park. The rest of the weekend we spent in the backyard. One of my favorite things about or tiny house is our huge backyard. For the kids birthday this year (3 and 5....too old I know) the grandparents bought them a swingset. It took 2 days for daddy and pappy to put it together, but I must say it was the best money EVER spent. We are always in the backyard having fun now. Here is my lovely backyard. Here is the part of the yard with the swingset. We really have loved it. I just wish we had gotten one sooner.
We spent everyday of our Spring Break enjoying lunch outside.
We also spent lots of time blowing bubbles which is one of their favorite things to do.
Posted by aimee at 8:11 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 22, 2010
The lazy days of Summer

Posted by aimee at 11:03 AM 3 comments
Thursday, May 27, 2010
So much going on....
In the last several months we have been very busy. The kids have both had birthdays, we have had spring break, we have celebrated Easter, and Miss Boss finished her first year of preschool. We have also survived another soccer season. The kids have kept me busy and I have loved every minute of it. I am happy to say that hubby and I are both out of work for a couple of months :). Here are some pictures from the last couple of months. Well, I guess long then a couple of months since it has been quite sometime since I have blogged.
This is my favorite picture of the 2 of them. Captain Drools just got angry and tried to punch Miss Boss. As you can see she is angry.
Posted by aimee at 10:10 PM 3 comments