Miss Boss made a new friend today. His name is "Donald". Miss Boss and Donald have done many things to do together today. Here is a picture of her new friend. She loves "Donald". Here she is getting ready to feed him.
Here she is giving him some food.
Here Miss Boss is having Donald sit with her at the table for dinner.
After a long day of playing. Daddy tucked Miss Boss and Donald into bed together! He even has his own pillow.
I really wish that you would have been able to see Miss Boss with Donald. My mom found him when she was cleaning out some of our stuff at the house. Mom and Dad thought that Miss Boss would maybe play with him for 5 minutes and move on....boy were they wrong. Mom said that Miss Boss told her she wanted to watch him fly so she took him upstairs and threw him over the balcony. Today after work I meet them at McDonald's (looking at Donald made them want a big mac). When I walked in the door Miss Boss was sitting with this blown up Ronald McDonald that she introduced me too as her Donald. When her hamburger arrived she turned to Donald and said "Donald would you like a hamburger" (which she tried to feed him). It was so very funny. The day continued with Donald deflating and layla yelling at him "Donald are you okay...Mommy Help..Oh Donald....Are you okay". Luckily when bathtime came around I was able to get Donald to not take a bath. I really hope that we don't have to take Donald everywhere.....He is kind of creepy looking. This girl is crazy and I LOVE every minute of it.
I literally laughed out loud! It seems that your Layla really makes your life exciting and fun! Aimee she is sooo cute!
THIS is hilarious!! Of all things to take a liking to....Donald! SO funny!! I like the way you have a little kitchen for her!
Aimee...I am laughing so hard right now..I wish I could have seen Donald fly! HAAA!
We NEED to get that crazy girl and our crazy boy together soon! I really mean it! :) What are ya'll doing next weekend?
That is so funny....and he is creepy looking:)
That is hilarious! I can just imagine Layla's panic when Donald is deflating. Kids are funny.
So funny!! I hope that 20 year old Donald lasts longer than her love. I do not know where we find another!!
LOL!! That's a hoot!! I was laughing out loud too with her "Mommy help him" Poor Donald, hope he hangs in there awhile. Gosh I love her so much!!!! (But she still can't have my golf club find :) She'll have to come over to play with them!) :) he he he
Aimee...I noticed Layla has clothes! Is she doing better with the potty training?!
I agree...he's creepy though.
That is sooooo cute! I've enjoyed reading about you and your family (I'm Steph's little sister). Your family is beautiful!
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