Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Swing Low Sweet Chariot

Captain Drools and I were sitting in the living room playing and I suddenly realized it was very quiet and it had been for a while. That in my house is never a good thing. Miss Boss was somewhere being quiet. I started calling her name and looking for her. I spotted her in Captain Drools room and ran to get the camera. This is what I came across......


Anonymous said...

Little squirt. You gotta watch that one!!!

Summer Pendley said...

Aimee...that girl is too much! Ha! I love it! :)

monica said...

She is a nut! I guess that was after I left, I shoulda stuck around for more entertainment I guess. I love also that she's singing your "swing swing Momma Layla swing" from the pool swing. Sweet.... That girl needs an outside swing bad!!!!!

When it cools off I'll take her to the park one afternoon after school!!

Wendy said...

My sister found my niece doing the same thing recently with one the swings for the twins - and she is 5!! Yeah, she almost broke it! HA!!

Aaron and Lyndsey said...

What would have been even better is if she had fallen asleep in the swing. There were times when I thought that swings and car seats had magical sleeping power.