Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Layla's new talent

Lately, Layla has been a real stinker. She is definetely 2. The other day I gave her some stickers and I went to clean my bedroom. (I didn't leave her unattended--daddy was in the room playing playstation -- well I guess it was semi-unattended--whatever, I was there, but Layla has been practicing her ninja-sneaky skills). All of a sudden I hear laughing from the living room. (Well, I called my wife into the living room--laughing histerically b/c Layla was at it again--the victim--our son Tanner. I turned to see my son and couldn't quit laughing--Layla is just like her mother...goodness, ok, you got me, she's just like her wonderful daddy, but acts like Captain Caveman!)


monica said...

That is so stinkin' funny! Love 'em, glad you thought to capture that on the camera! Oh the things we'll have to tell and show that boy when he's older.

And I am also soooooo excited about going to the beach with everyone. I can't wait to see those two at the beach, can't wait, can't wait, can't wait!!

Aaron and Lyndsey said...

Once there was a week when I didn't get a shower so feeling awfully grimy and desperate I put 6 month old Ryder in the jolly jumper in the bathroom door and a video on for 2 1/2 year old Chloe. About 4 minutes into my shower I hear both of the kids laughing so I stick my head out to see what was going on. Well, I wasn't wearing my contacts so I couldn't see what had happened. But I did see that they were okay so I finished my shower. When I got out I saw that Chloe had colored Ryder's entire bald head with pink glitter lipstick. I don't know why I had pink glitter lipstick, well sometimes Aaron.....I'm sure I have a picture of that somewhere.