Saturday, August 23, 2008

It's back to work for me!

This last week has been so incredibly busy for me. I started back to work on Monday. I have been ready to back. I love this time of year. I love meeting all of my kids and learning all of there little personalities because they are all so different and by the end of the year I have grown to love each and everyone of them so very much. But anyways....the reason I actually was writing this was to say that my days of swimming and lounging by the pool are over. It is back to the real world of a working mother. I was really sad to drop Layla and Tanner off at my parents, but I knew they were going to have fun and probably not miss me to much (because Layla hates for me to take her home). She loves going to their house though. Mom had gone out a bought her her very own pair of scissors which she has talked about none stop all week. She is obsessed. Luckily, we all survived the week, however my house is a total wreck.